Hello all! I have been quite busy with life in general lately, hence me not recording/ putting up an episode for around a month. Hopefully this blog post brings you all up to date.

Livestream Summary

2021-02-06 20:30 EST (~1h 30m) This was the first time I’ve tried this set up: a BigBlueButton room (hosted on NixNet Services) that was livestreamed to YouTube using an old laptop running OBS. Minus some weird internet issues at the beginning with streaming, everything went pretty well!

I think I’ll go with this setup moving on; I avoid streaming from my own laptop because that generates a lot of (fan) noise, which I’d rather not have to edit out. Since the BigBlueButton room will be open, you can join in there directly instead of watching the stream. Benefits are that you can talk (if you want) and show up on the stream, and also there’s less of a delay and higher quality audio.

We recorded 2 SCPs that will be up very soon: SCP-2130 and SCP-087. We are also coming up on almost one year since I released my first episode, thank you all for your support!

Then I took a look at what has been going on SCP-wise.

We have passed 300 subscribers on YouTube!

SCP Foundation Annual Community Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnlHdhuMyqCjpqHAlync5mVx-aFk99yWdS1qknnmZIRHgAZQ/viewform (filled out on stream)

[EXPUNGED] - a community newsletter: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/kojldu/issue_2_of_expunged_a_community_newsletter_for/

Site news January 2021: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/news-01-2021

Niram S (spotlight from [EXPUNGED]): ​https://youtu.be/dRtPnLIwwR4

Tale: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/penny-for-your-thoughts

Thank you to those who either watched the stream on YouTube or joined the room. Hope to make this a monthly thing!


Due to gestures broadly life, I’m planning on delaying Season 3. In the meantime I’ll continue reading listener suggestions and SCPs. I also plan to start working on a new theme for this site. It’ll be located here, if you have any experience in web design/ etc., please help out if you can!

Thanks, and see you soon. 🖤